

Discovering Hidden Value in .nets and .orgs – It’s not all about .coms

How to make money buying .nets and .orgs and own a premium Bitcoin domain name for under $1k! In the world of online ventures, domain name investing has long been synonymous with .com domains. Yet, savvy investors are increasingly turning their attention to .nets and .orgs, realizing the untapped potential and lucrative opportunities they offer. While .com domains remain highly sought after, diversifying into .nets and .orgs can yield substantial returns and broaden your investment portfolio. The Power of .nets and .orgs While .com domains are often seen as the gold standard, .nets and .orgs have their own unique advantages. .nets, originally intended for networking technology-related websites, have evolved into a versatile option for various industries. Similarly, .org domains, primarily associated with non-profit organizations, now encompass a wide range of purposes, from community projects to educational initiatives. Less Competition, More Opportunities One of the primary advantages of investing in .nets and .orgs is the reduced competition compared to .com domains. While premium .com domains are often heavily contested and come with a hefty price tag, .nets and .orgs offer more accessible entry points for investors. This lower barrier to entry allows investors to secure valuable domains at relatively lower costs, maximizing their potential for profitable resale. Niche Markets and Specialized Audiences Investing in .nets and .orgs provides an opportunity to tap into niche markets and cater to specialized audiences. Whether it’s a .net domain for a technology forum or a .org domain for a charitable cause, these domains can attract dedicated communities and garner significant traffic. By understanding the needs and interests of these niche markets, investors can strategically acquire domains that resonate with their target audience, driving up their value over time. Building Brand Authority and Trust In today’s digital landscape, brand authority and trust are paramount. While .com domains undoubtedly hold sway, .nets and .orgs can convey credibility and authenticity, particularly in specific industries. For non-profit organizations, a .org domain reinforces their commitment to their cause, instilling trust among donors and supporters. Similarly, a .net domain can signal expertise and professionalism in the technology sector, enhancing a brand’s credibility within its niche. Tips for Successful Domain Name Investing ____________________________________________________________________________ Discover more quality domains at – The leading domain listing platform that favors affordable quality over quantity. Listen to our bi-weekly podcast, Domain Moonshots, where we reveal two gems on every show. Stay ahead of the crowd, be one of the first to view coveted domain names. Listen to the Trailer here ____________________________________________________________________________ Here are two quality domain names which we have selected to demonstrate the value in alternative extensions. First up is Registered 2006 Valuations Saw valuation $5,500 GoDaddy valuation $3,424 Key Valuation Points What it could be used for is a great name for a website dedicated to home cooking enthusiasts. It could be used by individuals or organizations looking for recipes, cooking tips, meal planning ideas, or even for a community forum where home cooks can share their experiences and recipes with each other. Key Points  ✔️11 Extensions taken ✔️Comparables – – $10k ✔️Keyword monthly searches – 14k Price $595 Buy Through GoDaddy Our Assessment This domain has so much going for it. It’s a catchy name with 11 extensions taken of which the .org is one of the most valuable. There are over 14,000 monthly searches for the keyword ‘home cook’ underpinning the value of this name. The .io extension is available for $10k. Arguably a better extension we would expect to achieve a sales price of at least $4,000 on a flip and much more if held for the long term. That’s a healthy profit on only a $595 investment. It’s a premium name for sure with many possible end users in a busy market place, being the home cooking space. Registered 2012 Valuation Saw value $9,500 GoDaddy value $4,264 Comparables for sale for $1,450 purchased for $2,400 Key Valuation Points Price: $875 Buy through GoDaddy Our Assessment This domain name can only be described as a gold nugget in the cryptocurrency space. With Bitcoin now a mainstream asset quality domain names are in high demand. This is one such name. The .com is owned by a Canadian crypto exchange that sold for $2,400 some 8 years ago, the value is substantially higher now. The .net is the most valuable available extension. It is such a good name it is registered in 350 extensions! A price of $850 provides an extraordinary opportunity to buy a quality name with the added benefit of the possibility of flipping this asset at a price of around $4k in the short term and north of $10k in the long term. It’s one of only a handful of sort after available .nets in the crypto domain space. ____________________________________________________________________________ Conclusion While .com domains continue to dominate the domain name market, the rising prominence of .nets and .orgs presents an enticing opportunity for domain name investors. By recognizing the potential of these domains, understanding their unique advantages, and implementing a strategic approach to investing, entrepreneurs and investors can unlock new avenues for profitable returns and long-term success in the dynamic world of domain name investing. Remember, when it comes to making money in domain investing, it’s not all about .coms. Discover more quality domains at – The leading domain listing platform that favors affordable quality over quantity. Listen to our bi-weekly podcast, Domain Moonshots, where we reveal two gems on every show. Stay ahead of the crowd, be one of the first to view coveted domain names. Listen to the Trailer here Mastering Domain Name Investment  – Now Available on Amazon. Probably one of the most comprehensive books available on domain investment It’s all here This blog does not represent financial advice. Readers should always seek independent financial advice. Never invest more than you can afford to lose and remember an investment in domain names is high risk.


An Alternative Approach to Investing in the Crypto Market – Buy Domain Names

Four quality domain names with strong profit potential… When I first entered the domain name investment market I was certain that I knew a good domain name when I saw one. Years later after that first investment I feel a combination of embarrassment and amazement. Embarrassed that I seriously believed I knew what I was doing and amazed how far I have come from those early days of domain investing. I often receive emails from new investors in the domain space asking me for my thoughts on their latest purchase. I always end up feeling bad for the majority of them. Most are unlikely to make a profit from their purchase, not alone get their money back. There are a huge selection of domain names for sale at any one time but only a fraction of these have a value, more so, only a small percentage of this number are what we classify as Premium Domain Names. What is a premium domain name? Premium domain names are high-quality domains that have been previously registered but are available for sale at today’s market value. A domain is considered to be high quality if the name is shorter, regularly searched, closely associated to the actual service or industry, and typically uses a TLD such as .com, . It’s not a coincidence that most of the successful online businesses we know have premium domain names (e.g.,,,, etc). In short, premium domains are extremely popular, which means they often cost significantly more than a traditional .com. Honing in on that last sentence for a moment. Buying premium domain names at affordable prices and significantly below market value is still a realistic possibility. I always recommend that someone who wishes to invest in domain names should buy domain names in a market segment that they understand, that way you have a better chance of selecting domain names which are likely to appeal to a selection of end users. That’s the key to a good domain name. Obviously a sale is a sale but the more possible end users you have for your domain name the more valuable it is. Obviously there are other factors to take into account too including, There are easier ways to get involved in the premium domain name market. As with the financial markets, sometimes it is simpler and less costly to let the experts do the job for you. In the case of this article you get to see four quality domain names picked by an expert in both the cryptocurrency and domain space. If you are a follower of the crypto market and believe like us that we are at the early stages of a revolution then investing in premium domain names in the crypto space is a wise move. That opinion is based on our belief that crypto based premium domain names are going to get more valuable with time. One of the most important qualities of a domain name to remember is that each domain name is one of a kind. That is what I like about this market. Once a name is gone it’s gone for good. ____________________________________________________________________________ Discover more quality domains at – The leading domain listing platform that favors affordable quality over quantity. Listen to our bi-weekly podcast, Domain Moonshots, where we reveal two gems on every show. Stay ahead of the crowd, be one of the first to view coveted domain names. ____________________________________________________________________________ Below are four premium domain names for your consideration. Registered 2013 Comparables for sales for $60,000 for sale for $5,000 Valuation Saw Valuation $9,000 Key valuation points: Price $1,500 Buy Through GoDaddy Our Assessment The .com is already being used by a non-profit leaving .net as the next best alternative available for development. CoinCenter is a catchy, easy to remember name with an array of possible end users. This is one to either flip for a price north of $9,000 or hold for the medium term as part of a portfolio. It is without question a premium name in the crypto space providing instant credibility to any owner. The price of $1,500 is a good buy considering the comparables and the valuation. Registered 2013. What are Satoshis? A satoshi is the atomic unit of Bitcoin, each Bitcoin is divisible into 100,000,000 satoshis. Some Comparables: on sale for $100k on sale for $45,000 on sale for $25,000 Saw valuation $16,000 Key valuation points: Price $5,500 Buy Through GoDaddy Our Assessment: This is a quality crypto name that based on comparable prices of arguably lower value extensions is worth $15k on the low side and $100k on the upside with a midrange of $50,000. With the future of Bitcoin looking bright this is one to hold for the medium to long term. A realistic price for an onward sale is a minimum of $15,000 to $25.000. A price of $5,500 provides a rare opportunity for profit with the added benefit of holding a crown jewel in crypto domain names. Registered 2021 Some Comparables for sale for $4,500 for sale for $5,000 Saw valuation $9,000 Key valuation points: Priced at $975 Buy Through GoDaddy Our Assessment It’s a quality name in the crypto space which is only going to get more valuable with time. With a price of $975 a realistic onward sale price would be a minimum of $4,500 however with the .com off the market for good, it could be worth holding this domain name for the medium to long term as it could quite easily sell for anything north of $10k. At $975 this is a steal! Registered 2021 Comparables is for sale for $2,000 Valuation GoDaddy valuation $2,868 A .com yes a .com! It’s difficult to find premium domains available for an affordable price especially in the crypto space. Just about every good idea has been thought about and the .com snapped up. There are exceptions however and is that exception.

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